Bigfoot Squatched on my Record Player

2 Never-Before-Told Stories giving us peeks and glimpses of the enigma that is Sasquatch.

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SS30: Cinco de Mayo Skunk Ape!

A teenage girl trapped in a car while an enraged skunk ape, furious at the incursion onto his turf, tries to break the windows and get in at her!
An allegedly true tale from Florida
as told to Peter Bernard
read by Madeline Starr

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SS29: Is the Ghost of Andy Warhol Haunting a Pet Shop?

Is the ghost of Andy Warhol haunting a pet shop?

Is the ghost of 20th century artist Andy Warhol haunting the cat section of a NYC pet shop where his Factory used to be located?
This story was reported to us by Marie Mundaca, who heard it directly from some of the eyewitnesses.
A ghost’s appearance on Memorial Day brings comfort to a bereaved family.
Both stories as told to Peter Bernard and read by Madeline Starr

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SS28: Bigfoot Stole My Boom Box and Bigfoot Kicked My Butt!

Is Bigfoot a fan of music?
Our first story, about Bigfoot stealing a boom box, seems to say yes.
Our second story, about what Bigfoot did to a singing teenager,
seems to say no.


Tomorrow: Is the ghost of ANDY WARHOL haunting the cat section of a pet shop in Manhattan?

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SS26: The Opera of the Phantom

The Opera of the Phantom

When a little girl is taken to an old opera house,
why is she the only one who can see and hear the lady singing?

An allegedly true ghost story as told to Peter Bernard
read by Madeline Starr

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SS24: Strange Springtime Discovery

Strange Springtime Discovery

“I found the body of Mithras behind my house in Massacusetts.”
as told to Peter Bernard, read by PQ Ribber

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SS23: The Easter Hidebehind

The Easter Hidebehind

What is a “Hidebehind?”
A figure from American folklore, the “Hidebehind” is sometimes described as a sort of ghost or cryptid that kidnaps you from behind, but other times is presented as a kind of dogman or sasquatch.
Here is an allegedly true story remembered from childhood that lends some credibility to this storied boogyman.

As told to Peter Bernard
read by Madeline Starr

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